Celebration Tea

I did it! I survived! One year ago I had my mastectomy and today I am healthy and thriving. If only we weren't physically distancing, I could go out and celebrate with my friends. Well I am having a mini-party, table for one!

The year both crawled by and flew by. There were struggles and challenges and successes too. I still focus on living a healthier life, physically and mentally. I am so blessed with friends whom I love and who love me. I miss their hugs but I love seeing their happy faces on my computer screen.

I have an art project this week which is to create art that reflects spreading kindness. This is my second day, thinking about what this means to me. If I buy a coffee for the guy behind me in the lineup there is no way I can count that as a work of art. So I must put further thought into this challenge. I need my act of kindness to be artistic, not offensive, acceptable to the community. So many requirements! Where is Banksy when I need him?

The weather today is stellar so I need to get into gear and get out and enjoy the sun. I have a couple of on line activities later today so time is of the essence!

Enjoy physical distancing because it will soon be a thing of the past. Well I can only hope!
