Is there a tea called busy bee?

The family doctor's office called to discuss my recent blood work. There was a lactate marker that was flagged that indicated I was either in heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, or possibly I had recently had surgery. I laugh now but at the time it was a bit scary. If only they had asked the question first Have you had any recent surgeries! In any case the doctor suggested we re test my blood in two weeks time to make sure the marker had dropped. Good thinking! I also mentioned how exhausted I was, and that I felt I should be recovering my stamina much more quickly. I asked that my iron-ferritin levels be tested at the same time. So now to wait two weeks.

The next day the family doctor's office called again to discuss my ultra sound results. When I met with the doctor, she said weren't you just here! Oh yes, I am developing a healthy relationship with my doctor! She is very sweet.

My ultra sound indicated a 12 cm benign fluid filled sac attached to my liver. Folks, that is a 5 inch sac. Yikes. It is not painful, and it makes sloshing sounds when I walk or bend over. Apparently draining it will only result in it refilling within a couple of days. So I look pregnant but it is just fluid. I wonder how much it weighs?

Less than a week later I was called to have my bone density tested so I was on the road again.

And then my blood was taken and results were in. My scary marker had dropped to an acceptable range so I was going to live!  The iron levels however were 37 which meant levels were borderline. Healthy levels are 50 or over. Anemic levels closer to 25.

I fired up the computer and learned all I could about adding iron to my diet. I am now a self-proclaimed expert. LOL. Within 24 hours most of my exhaustion had been replaced by energy levels at about 80% of pre-surgery levels. I continue to work on improving my daily iron intake. Did someone say Dark Chocolate?

Finally to wind up the month of June, I received a call from a nurse following up on my surgery, how I am healing, and if there are any major issues. July, here I come!
