Happy Tea for me

After struggling for what must have been weeks without realizing, I made the phone call for help. Whenever anyone asked how I was doing I would burst into tears. This is so not me. I called the Nurse Hotline at my local cancer clinic and I received a call back within hours. After explaining what was happening, depression, sadness, lethargy, serious bone and joint pain, the nurse got in touch with my oncologist.

The return call was so quick, I had barely hung up the phone. The instructions were very clear. Stop taking Letrozole. Immediately. Right now. Do not pass Go.

I feel better just knowing I won't have to be depressed for 5 years.

Soon I will receive an appointment time to see the oncologist with a new plan of action.

Hopefully the new protocol will not involve a new set of side effects. I am interested in what comes next.

Speak up and take charge of the course your health takes.

I was able to meet with my oncologist the following day and as the Letrozole has built up in my system, so it has to dissipate. I will not take it for a month and then return to the oncologist. At that time I will likely change over to Tamoxifen. This is a slightly different medication, that also has side effects, however the side effects can be treated as they arise.

I am taking life one day at a time, keeping busy, and hoping I get back to my old self quickly.
