Black black Tea

Some days are better than others. Some weeks are better than others. Some months are better than others. Some years are better than others. 2020 was supposed to be my year now that my recovery is almost complete. It has however, started out a little bit rocky.

In January I had great news about my mammogram. I only have 2 more appointments at the Cancer Clinic, both in May 2020. Then devastation hit with the loss of a 41 year old young lady whose first interaction with the doctors last summer  placed her at stage 4 terminal. I ask you, why aren't there blood tests to detect all cancers?  It is great to focus on treatment, but how about we discover cancer before it has gone past the point of no return?

In February, I received multiple bad news. Now I must remember I am healthy, but hearing about the loss of others, the sadness being experienced by my friends, impacts me. On one day I heard about the loss of my friend's son-in law who died in his sleep. Then my friend's sister-in-law died in emergency on the same day. Another friend found out her niece's breast cancer has metastasized and she is now terminal. Finally a young family member has a suspicious mass and we are waiting for biopsy results.  At one point I stopped answering the phone in case there was more bad news.

I had a couple of sad days, tried to keep busy, went walking, and got lost in some movies. This is the circle of life but these folks are in their 20's, 40's, and 50's and 60's. With modern medicine, this should not be happening.

Yesterday my brother completed 4 weeks of radiation and the prognosis is good. I am glad for happier news.

Please look after your health. Get tested. Eat healthy. Exercise. Keep your mind engaged and foster your social network. It is all about having Connections.
