It's complicated Tea

I struggled last week with a severe reaction to my first of two shingles vaccines and by the weekend I thought I was well on the road to recovery. Silly me, I made plans for Sunday. The result was I was able to take part in less than half of my plans at great disappointment to me and I am sure to my friend as well. Darn.

Sunday I once again spiked a temperature, I slept almost two hours, almost missing lunch. Now if you know me, lunch is sacred. I took an ibuprofen and rested. I was experiencing a pain from the top of my shoulder down my right side terminating at my hip socket. Everyone I spoke with said call the doctor on Monday.

Monday arrived and I wasn't much better so I called the doctor's office and got a phone appointment for Tuesday. Monday daytime, I was uncomfortable but Monday night I was in agony, so much so, that I lay in bed debating whether I should get dressed and go to emergency.  I stayed in bed, felt somewhat better in the morning and spoke with my doctor. It was decided that we were dealing with two separate events. One, the reaction to my shot. Two, diverticulitis. Really???

So after some discussion, I was given a standing order for lab work and can go do blood work any time I feel I am having an attack. I may go next week anyway because although I am steadily improving I am certainly not 100%. So I continue to watch my diet, drinking lots of water, eating high fibre food, avoiding nuts, seeds, corn, popcorn, and coconut. Life can be so boring.

For those of you who have followed the saga of my young family member who has a tumour on the large intestine, it has been successfully removed! Hooray! The procedure was performed at the leading hospital in this area. I believe another biopsy will be performed on the mass to ensure there are no rogue cancer cells and to confirm it is truly benign. And the waiting game continues.

As for life in general, I am happily making art, somewhat childish art, but for me the process is more important that the result. It is soothing to create. I have many ideas in my head, I just need the energy to execute them. My energy will return shortly so I can get back to doing what I love best.

I hope you have something in your life that excites you too!
