Marshmallow Tea

Have you ever done something that made no sense? Or have you ever done something that you knew was wrong but you did it anyway?

Sometimes I go into the other room to get something and when I get there I am not sure what I needed. So like all of us who do this, I head back to the starting point, figure out what I need, and repeat the word as I walk back to the other room. Thread. Thread. Thread.

Sometimes when I am working in the kitchen, I intend to go get a spice from the pantry but instead I open the fridge door. If I am lucky, I also need something from the fridge for my recipe, and while I grab it, I remember my original thought. Mrs. Dash Original Spice Mix. Then there are times that I actually find the spice mix in the fridge. Old age is so interesting. Next year I am hiding my own Easter Eggs and I hope I find them all.

Sometimes I get angry and frustrated at other people's attitudes. Ok not everyone needs to agree with me all the time and if they did the world would be extremely boring. I don't want to live in a world with clones running around. I like my perceptions to be challenged. Give me a different angle to consider about any topic.

I think my frustration this week arose from someone who constantly bucks the system for the purpose of creating drama. Drama is fine. Do you need to share it with everyone else? If you want my attention, first, you can ask for it. Second, you can do something creative. Third, you can give back to others. Do not create drama, upset a lot of people, and then sit back and smile because you are getting attention. That is totally self-centered and irresponsible. You may be impacting the lives of others who are in a fragile state and not able to sift through the events to understand what is happening.

So I got mad. And I expressed myself. And I came across too strong. And I was wrong. It did not feel good at the time. It doesn't feel good now. I am not going to apologize nor am I going to try to fix it nor make amends. For now I am going to live with my guilt. And I am angry that this drama queen has placed me in a position where I engaged in the drama that was swirling around.

For now, I am cooling off. I am taking a gentle step back. I am disengaging. I am protecting my sanity. No one has the right to stir up drama and upset the lives of others just because that is their communication style. It is not ok to apologize and then start swinging.

So I am going to my Zen place. The brushes are out, the paint is ready. The picture I want to achieve is in my mind. My hope is I can translate it from my mind to canvas. Breathe in, Breathe out. This too shall pass. Stay safe, my friends.
