Due to the raging forest fires in Washington, Oregon, and California, the air quality was 10+ for
over 10 days. While the air quality has now improved, the damage done by being trapped inside and
not being able to go outside for walks has impacted my mental health. The key thing is to know oneself
because the only way to combat mental health issues is to firstly know they are happening.
I spoke with my doctor's office about the pending ultrasound on my liver and due to backlogs it will
be pending for quite some time. My only hope is that it is behaving while I await further testing.
Art Therapy 101 has started again and I am enjoying it. It really kick starts my creativity. I find
that my anxieties are less when I make time to create. Again it is all about knowing oneself and what
works and what doesnt work for you.
There are many things on my schedule that need attending to and I am at the point where I am not
getting the service I deserve from large institutions. Why can't they be transparent in their actions ?
I can understand why senior citizens get taken advantage of in the world of finance. I am lucky I
can still think clearly and get things straightened out. These frustrations are so unnecessary.
I have some sewing and knitting projects to do today. I have been trying to find an acceptable
venue for my knitters to meet on a Wednesday night. The only solution that should work is to meet
at the local mall which is a new building, with high ceilings and a modern ventilation system. The
problem is the stores close at 6pm and my hope is we can meet in the food court for an hour before
the mall security throw us out!
Stay well, stay safe, exercise, wear a mask and wash your hands.
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